Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Character Analysis Miss Emily - 995 Words

Meghan Vidrine Dr. Fontenot English 1002, Section 05 30 April 2013 Miss Emily Grierson William Faulkner makes it very clear in his short story, â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† who the protagonist of his story is. Within the first few paragraphs of the story, we can tell that Miss Emily Grierson was not an ordinary woman of her times. It is said in paragraph two that â€Å"no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron.† However, Miss Emily was not like the other women. The mayor of the town had â€Å"remitted her taxes.† From this moment, it is known that this is an eccentric woman. According to Random House Webster’s Dictionary, eccentric simply means â€Å"unconventional, as in behavior; odd† (223). As the story continues, it becomes known†¦show more content†¦Somehow Miss Emily was able to buy arsenic without confirming to the druggist what it was being used for. Many people in the town had pity for Miss Emily. She was a single woman who lived alone and would rarely leave her house. When she was on the streets, many would say, â€Å"poor Emily,† because she was a single woman and seemed lonely. According to Thomas Argiro in Miss Emily After Dark, â€Å"Her morbid behavior suggests a profound pathology that naturally raises serious doubts about her sanity† (447). One day, a Yankee named Homer Baron came into town. People began seeing him and Miss Emily around town together and going home together. She had no trouble showing off her affair around town. During the 1890s, affairs were not even to be thought of. People began criticizing her and saying â€Å"Poor Emily. Her kinsfolk should come to her.† Therefore, it was no surprise when it became known that Miss Emily had gone to the drugstore to buy arsenic. It was no surprise to the townspeople because during the 1890s, people were considered as good as dead when they were having an affair. However, Miss Emily did what others could not. She would not tell the druggist what the poison was for, but s ince it was for Miss Emily he played it off as she were buying it to kill rats. At the time, it was not legal to buy arsenic without truly knowing what the person wanted to use it for. This was another illegal thing that Miss EmilyShow MoreRelatedMiss Emily Character Analysis741 Words   |  3 Pageshe Misunderstood, Monumental, Murderer, Miss Emily Viewed by the people in her town as a monument and a tradition of the town, Miss Emily represents the past way of living trying to stand firm in an ear changing society. While she is seen as a statuesque figure the townspeople still do not understand her and they show pity towards her, little did they know what she was hiding in her home. 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